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Muhasebe | Şirket Kuruluşu |  | Beyanname Hizmetleri | Yabancı Sermayeli Şirket Hizmetleri


Updated: Jun 19, 2023

"Green Accounting" in English, is an approach that combines traditional accounting principles with sustainability principles to enable companies to measure, assess, and report their environmental impacts. It encourages companies to consider not only their financial performance but also their environmental and social impacts.

Green Accounting utilizes various methods and tools to measure a company's environmental impacts, such as environmental cost calculations, carbon footprint analysis, water usage, energy efficiency, and waste management. This information helps companies evaluate their environmental performance and develop sustainability strategies.

Green Accounting also promotes the preparation of sustainability reports by companies. These reports share the company's environmental and social impacts, sustainability strategies, and goals. Sustainability reports enable stakeholders (employees, investors, suppliers, customers, society, etc.) to understand and assess the company's sustainability performance.

Green Accounting integrates environmental and social factors with financial performance, providing a more comprehensive assessment. This helps companies achieve their sustainability goals, manage risks, and maintain long-term success.

KGK's role in sustainability is to promote the evaluation of audit activities from a sustainability perspective and ensure the inclusion of sustainability information in audit reports.

KGK conducts audits of financial reporting of companies in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Turkish Accounting Standards (TAS). In recent years, sustainability reporting and the audit of sustainability performance have gained importance. In this regard, KGK supports sustainability reporting and audit activities and works on improving its standards.

KGK follows international standards related to sustainability audit. One of the key references is the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) publication titled "Assurance Engagements on Sustainability Reports." KGK provides guidance to auditors on sustainability reporting and audit based on these standards.

KGK's efforts in sustainability auditing aim to ensure reliable evaluation of companies' financial reporting as well as their sustainability performance. This helps companies present their sustainability information to stakeholders accurately and reliably, enhancing transparency and accountability.

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the business world and auditing profession. KGK continues its work in auditing governance, environmental impacts, social responsibilities, ethical values, and sustainability strategies to examine these aspects of companies.

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